Sulukta is one of the oldest centers of coal mining in Central Asia. Industrial coal-mining began as early as 1868 and it was at this time that Sulukta was founded. In 1940 Sulukta was granted the status of a city and is now an oblast city of importance.
Sulukta is situated on the northern spur of Turkestan ridge, at 1380 meters above sea level, 150 km west of Batken oblast center, Batken City (by highway: Sulukta - Leylek rayon, Hudjan oblast of Tadjikistan Republic - Batken) 950 km from the republic capital city, Bishkek. The city is connected by narrow-gauge railway (47 km) to Proletarsk station of the Tajikistan Republic. 9 km of this railway is located in Tajikistan and 38 km is within the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The winter period is not long and is comparatively warm. For the last 10 years spring and autumn has been characterized by heavy rains. Summer is hot and dry.
The total area of the city is 1733 ha, 915 ha of pastures, 49 ha of personal households plots, 47 ha of roads, 145 ha of social constructions, 577 ha of other lands.
POPULATION: By 2004, July 1, the population of the city was 21.2 thousand people: 5,5% of the total Oblast population. City includes Kosh-Bulak ayl okmotu, which has 7 thousand people and is 7 km north-east of Sulukta City. Urban population counts for 14.2 thousand people and the rural population is 7 thousand people.
Representatives of more than 30 nationalities and ethnic groups live and work in the city, including (thousands of people) kyrgyz-15.5; uzbek-3.4; tatars-1.1; russian-0.8; tajics-0.1; other nationalities-0.3.
? |
Population |
People |
1 |
All population, including:
-female |
10598 |
2 |
Children under 16 |
8090 |
3 |
Female from 16 to 55 years old |
5488 |
4 |
Male from 16 to 60 years old |
5654 |
5 |
Female older than 55 |
1196 |
6 |
Male older than 60 |
791 |
Population by employment groups |
1 |
Preschool children of 1 to 6 years old |
4531 |
2 |
Pupils of 6 to 16 years old |
3559 |
3 |
Higher education students |
2435 |
4 |
Public servants |
100 |
5 |
Engaged in educational area |
913 |
6 |
Engaged in health care |
306 |
7 |
Engaged in industry |
848 |
8 |
Engaged in agriculture |
1420 |
9 |
Engaged in services |
298 |
10 |
Pensioners |
2139 |
11 |
Unemployed |
1280 |
12 |
Adults not registered in other categories |
3390 |
Analysis of gross output for period of 2000 ? 2003 are given in the table below (in mln. soms).
Indicators |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
% share of each sector in 2003 gross output |
Gross output, of which |
96.1 |
113.2 |
120.8 |
143.6 |
100.0% |
- industry |
37.9 |
46.3 |
46.5 |
60.9 |
42.4% |
- agriculture |
43.7 |
48.5 |
53.5 |
59.2 |
41.2% |
- construction (capital investments) |
2.8 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
1.5 |
1.0% |
- paid services |
11.7 |
15.9 |
18.3 |
22.0 |
15.4% |
There are public-service institutions, businesses, administrative structures of ministries and departments currently functioning in Sulukta city, of which:
- industrial enterprises ? 8
- transport organizations ? 2
- communication enterprises ? 2
- small enterprises ?2
- construction organizations ? 1
The main enterprises, their products and forms of ownership are described by sector below:
Coal mining enterprises:
?Sulukta Komur JSC?. Products - coal. Form of ownership ? mixed (the state shares 45%, stockholders share 55%).
?Suluktashahtakurulush JSC.? ? coal-mining, construction works. Form of ownership ? collective. ( JSC)
?Raimberdieva Ltd?- coal-mining. Form of ownership-private.
?Jolbaeva Ltd?- coal-mining. Form of ownership-private.
?Nur Ltd?- coal-mining, quartz sand. Form of ownership-private.
Enterprisers of non-ore industry:
?Kosh-Bulak Ltd?- quartz sand. Form of ownership-private
Clothing industry:
?Ai-Peri JSC? ? sewing products, garments. Form of ownership ? collective, is under reorganization at present time.
Under-exploited economic potential of the city:
- A number of large mineral deposits are located near the city such as clay to produce bricks, quartz sand to produce glass (window-glass, windscreens, etc) silicate bricks, glaze, and ceramic pipes. There are resources of raw materials to produce limestone, carbide, gypsum, etc.
- There are fine coal deposits, from which it is possible to produce coal briquettes and it is possible to build or renovate a factory such as ?Sulyuyktakomur JSC? which stands idle through lack of components.
- There are a number of many-colored clay deposits, which can be used for paint manufacture. There are potentialities for industrial utilization to produce the ?ohra? paint.
- A number of coal, quartz sand, clay and limestone deposits are a major asset to attract investors for their extraction and production of solid fuel, sand and others.
- Sulukta branch of JSB ?Kyrgyzstan?
- Sulukta branch of OAK ?RSK?
- 2 credit associations
- City Board on Entrepreneurship Protection
- City Board on Investments Attraction and Grant Attraction
- City Branch of Population Employment Center
EMPLOYMENT - The economically active population of working age of the city is 9.2 thousand people, of who 3.8 thousand are employed. The registered level of unemployment at the employment centre is 19.7%. By 01.07.2004 663 people have the legal status of unemployed.
Number of the unemployed registered in 2000-2004
Year |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
1st half of 2004 |
Unemployed |
697 |
878 |
916 |
1280 |
663 |
Unemployed who has been sent to public works |
212 |
248 |
342 |
389 |
176 |
Over the last 4 years there has been growing tendency of citizens to appeal to the city employment center for help in finding a job and thus register officially as unemployed. Microcredits are often extended to support the unemployed.
Years |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
1st half of 2004 |
Microcredit, people |
5 |
48 |
25 |
12 |
6 |
Sum (thousand som) |
12.5 |
237.5 |
170 |
100 |
30 |
One of the main actions taken to implement an active labor market policy is paid public works, organized by the City Kenesh of deputies and by the employment center.
The city hall takes all possible actions to create new jobs for the unemployed and for those who have difficulties in finding a job, and to offer help to employers to create of new job vacancies.
Forecast of the creation of new jobs
Name |
2003 |
1st half of 2004 |
Plan |
Actual |
plan |
actual |
Total new work places |
585 |
664 |
316 |
354 |
1. Due to activities of the employment enhancement fund |
335 |
411 |
156 |
182 |
2. Due to small to medium businesses |
105 |
110 |
70 |
52 |
3. Due to private enterprises |
110 |
110 |
65 |
72 |
4. Due to private entrepreneurs |
35 |
33 |
25 |
10 |
5. Due to agricultural sector |
15 |
6. Due to foreign investments |
20 |
7. Due to local budget |
3 |
Forecast of the basic measures of City Council labor market
2003 |
6 months of 2004 |
forecast |
actual |
forecast |
Actual |
Created work places |
250 |
253 |
103 |
172 |
Employed population |
400 |
403 |
100 |
110 |
Professional training |
80 |
80 |
35 |
55 |
Public paid work |
300 |
389 |
150 |
176 |
Microcredit, people |
20 |
12 |
6 |
6 |
Check for a work place |
15 |
10 |
- |
- |
Benefit to be paid to the unemployed |
500 |
332 |
200 |
163 |
City Kenesh comprises 19 deputies. Chairman of the City Kenesh ? Deputy U. Saborova, deputy ChairmanDeputy A. Kuldashev. 17 deputies are divided between the following standing committees:
- Budget, economy and finance commission ? 4 deputies. Chairman ? Deputy M. N. Kydyrova.
- Health care, education, ecology, culture, sports and tourism commission ? 4 deputies. Chairman ? Deputy A. A. Ibragimov.
- Commission on human rights and law protection, ethics of deputies, public organizations and the matters concerning local administration - 4 deputies. Chairman ? Deputy K. D. Djuraev.
- Commission on industry, construction, transport, communications and rural issues - 5 deputies. Chairman ? Deputy O. N. Kushmatov.
Organizations providing public services to the city
? |
Organization |
Number of employees |
1 |
City Hall Administration |
10 |
2 |
City Municipal Property Department |
1 |
3 |
City Culture department under City Hall |
20 |
4 |
City Department on Architecture and Construction under City Hall |
1 |
5 |
City Committee on tourism, sports and youth policy under City Hall |
2 |
6 |
City social protection department under City Hall |
16 |
7 |
City social fund department under City Hall |
9 |
8 |
City education department under City Hall |
913 |
9 |
City Territorial hospital under City Hall |
306 |
10 |
City Population employment center under City Hall |
5 |
11 |
Gosregister office in the city under Government |
6 |
12 |
Municipal Court under Government |
6 |
13 |
Office of public prosecutor under Government |
8 |
14 |
Interregional examination group under Government |
5 |
15 |
Municipal department of internal affairs under Government |
29 |
16 |
Notary?s office under Government |
2 |
Municipal services enterprises
1 |
JSC ?Osh Electr? Regional Power Station (electric power plant) (state owned) |
39 |
2 |
JSC ?Sulukta Kommunalshik? (city owned enterprise) |
12 |
3 |
City Water Enterprise (city owned enterprise) |
54 |
Housing and communal services JSC ?Sulukta Kommunalshik? carries out city improvements and maintenance such as street lighting, planting of shrubbery and city cleaning.
Sulukta territorial hospital has 105 beds and serves the citizens of the city and Kosh-Bulak ayil okmotu. This center also offers out-patients? medical support and sanitary aid. 3 groups of family doctors work at the hospital.
City Territorial hospital, TB clinic;
Central hospital receives up to 280 patients per day, 3 groups of family doctors;
City sanitary and epidemics station;
City Stomatological polyclinic
There are 1.4 doctors per 1000 people
There are 5.3 beds per 1000 people
Baby mortality for the period of 2003 ? 14.2
Mother mortality - 0
50.0% of all 1 year old children has been vaccinated and for children from 1 to 7 years old, 83.0%. For the year 2004, 55.0 % of 1 year old children have been vaccinated and for children in the age group of 1 to 7 years 50.0%.
- Lack of medical facilities for the complete examination of patients, needed equipment: colonoscope, ultrasonic testing facility, X-ray, ECHO encephalograph, Electrocardiograph, BI monocular microscope, fluorography apparatus, ultra high frequency apparatus (UVCh) for children and adults, treatment with ultra-violet light apparatus (KUF), ultra-violet light (UFO), washer for electrophoresis, Darsonval apparatus, LUCh, vibromassage, Potok#1, Hirodent dentist?s drill, dentists? chair, drying apparatus, distillator, ambulance car UAZ, bronchial tube scope, DEK electro calculator, auto-clave, dentist?s blowpipe apparatus, grinding machine, cuvette, anvil, quartz lamp, gynecological chair.
- Lack of funds for medicines for first aid.
- Lack of lab analyzers, FEK, high temperature sterilization-drying apparatus, reagent, test-tubes.
- Lack of funds to buy medical periodicals and books for the education of medical workers.
- Lack of funds to arrange specialization and advanced training of medical personnel abroad.
The city education department, jointly with the department of municipal property of city hall, is responsible for the management of secondary schools and kindergartens located in the city.
Educational institutions and number of places and pupils (to August 1, 2004)
Type |
Sitting places/number of pupils |
Secondary Schools -9
Of which: Technical lyceum
Gymnasia |
4900 / 3559
500 / 180
200 / 150 |
Kindergartens -3 |
370 / 220 |
Auxiliary boarding school |
150 / 108 |
Higher education institutions and number of students (Higher institutions, secondary professional training institutions, professional lyceums).
? |
Type |
Number of students |
1 |
Sulukta Humanitarian-economical institute of Batken State University (philology, history, natural-pedagogical, faculty of economy and new information technologies) |
Total ? 1339
Full time tuition ? 442
Tuition by correspondence ? 897 |
2 |
Sulukta Engineer-Economical center of Batken State University (Finances and credit, organization of traffic, State and municipal administration) |
Total ? 656
Full time tuition ? 224
Tuition by correspondence ? 432 |
3 |
Sulukta Pedagogical College of Batken State University (teacher of primary school, physical culture, management of organization, economy, accounting and control) |
Total ? 334
Full time tuition ? 151
Tuition by correspondence ? 183 |
4 |
Professional lyceum - ?73 |
Total ? 106 |
- Lack of pedagogical personnel
- Schools need capital repairs (leaky roofs, floors very deteriorated and unsafe, boiler houses need repairs, replacement of heating systems): Secondary School #2 by Toktogula, Secondary School #8 by I. Bektemirova, Secondary School #6 by A. Kayimkulova, Secondary School #7 by I. Razzakova
- Equipment, furniture, upholstered furniture worn out and very old.
- Lack of technical equipment.
- Lack of textbooks -30%, shortage of manuals and literature. There is no education literature for the students at senior schools.
- Lack of laboratories and practical study equipment for physics and chemistry.
The Foundation Library of the city has a total of 143,154 books. It has 2 branches. The Children?s Library under the management of the Culture Department Administration Body has 50,440 books and was built in 1936, with a total floor area of 120 sq.m.. The Children?s Library has a branch with 37,576 books and is located in Kosh-Bulak ayil okmotu. Central City library was built in 1946, has 55,138 books and a total floor area of 540sq.m.
There is a Park of Culture and Rest on Razzakova street, with a total area of 120,000sq.m. There are 4 attractions: billiard hall, dance hall, shooting range and a café, however only 3 are currently operational.
A city children?s musical school has been functioning since 1936 and from 1958 a branch of the school in Kosh-Bulak ayil okmotu was formed.
A House of Culture was built in 1932 with total floor area of 9,000 sq.m. A disco club is functioning in the House of Culture.
The city has a stadium which occupies 20,000 sq.m., has a capacity of 5.0 thousand people. It is part of the city municipal property.
The children?s health camp ?Too Burkutu? is located 35 km. from Sulukta city, in the Beles mountain-mass, and was constructed in 1965. 500 children previously holidayed in the camp in one session. In 2004, the camp was repaired with support from the German Technical Center.
- The central library needs capital repair. Money is needed to stock the library with modern educational literature and fiction, and computerization.
- Some new attractions and play equipment should be acquired for the Park of Culture and Rest to diversify leisure activities for the population.
- The children?s musical school needs a set of national instruments, fret komuz for the creation of a folk music orchestra.
- Sound amplifier facilities of 1 KW power is necessary for conducting city events at the stadium and open grounds: sound recording facilities to create a sound studio.
- All buildings which are the responsibility of the culture department need capital repairs (including the club ?Shahter? and a club in Kosh-Bulak ayil okmotu).
The House Management Enterprise under JSC ?Sulukta Kommunalshik?, services 5 multi-storied buildings having 176 apartments of a total area 7,842.5 square meters and living area of 4,151.2 square meters, 3,615 private properties (total area of 196,218 square meters, living area ? 156,615 square meters). There are no condominiums registered in the city.
- Large debts outstanding from the population for services provided;
- Lack of funds for capital repairs of roofs of multi-storied buildings and engineering equipment
- 70% of apartments need capital repairs
The Sulukta City Department of Population Social Protection is responsible for the execution of national, oblast and city programs for the social support of the population.
Programs of support for people with low income are envisaged, such as compensation for municipal services and electric power payments, as well as programs for medical care. In 2003, aid to citizens was provided by heads of enterprises and organizations as well as by city businessmen to the tune of 138,615 soms, 16,000 of which was financed from the city budget.
Poverty level in 2003
Status |
Families/people |
% |
Very poor families having incomes up to 352 soms / month |
1645 / 7567 |
36.3 % |
Poor families having incomes up to 584 soms / month |
560 / 2576 |
12.4 % |
Total: |
2205 / 10143 |
48.7 % |
504 families have left the category of very poor families (incomes up to 584 soms / month)
- Low wages, pensions and allowances.
- Increases emigration and migration levels.
There are 5 mini-markets, 65 shops and kiosks owned by individuals. 202 traders work in the city markets. In 2003 retail trade turnover amounted to 84.7 million.soms, an increase of 25.8% compared to the previous year.
Sulukta City Water Enterprise is specialized enterprise which supplies drinking water to businesses and the city population. Sulukta City Water Enterprise has 4373 connections, including: industrial enterprises ? 24; budget organizations-17; residential connections ? 4332, including Kosh-Bulak village, Samat village, Kara-Bulak of Leylek rayon.
From 4332 water supply outlets: 2007 are for public usage, 2000 are for private properties, 225 - in apartments of multi-storied buildings with modern amenities, 100 ? private. Areas supplied from the water mains are Kara-Bulak village of Leylek rayoun, Bokombaevo street and Sulukta city.
Water tariffs are fixed by the Sulukta City Kenesh, in concordance with the Oblast Antimonopoly Policy Committee. Water tariffs for public use is 2.27 soms, for private properties 4.09 soms, for apartments with modern amenities 6.8 soms/month for an individual (without taxes). Tariffs for water use from private water supplies - 125 soms/month, tariffs for enterprises and budgetary organizations - 11.3 soms/month per 1 cubic meter of water (without taxes).
Drinking water is supplied from two water sources. There are 2 reservoirs, in Kosh-Bulak ayil okmotu with a capacity of 800 cubic meters and in Tovarnaya Str. with a capacity of 250 cubic meters. In Kosh-Bulak ayil okmotu water comes from well in Kara-Bulak village of the Leylek rayon. The daily volume of water pumped is equal to 240 cubic meters/day and from the mountain river Tegirmen Sai.
City water comes from the Chimgen mountain spring of the Leylek rayon. Daily volume of water, supplied to the population, budgetary organizations and city enterprises is equal to 1,000 cubic meters/day.
The length of water supply lines is 105 km. The first water supply lines were constructed between 1924-56 and 60-80% of the system is severely deteriorated. The quality of supplied water corresponds to the standards set by Sanitary Pi N214 ? 559-96.
The financial state of the Municipal Water Enterprise:
The revenues in 2003 were 969.7 thousand soms, including payments from 2001-2002 and actual expenses ? 1,503.7 thousand soms and losses in 2003 were 534 thousand soms.
- Debts as at 01.07.04 amounted to 3,847.0 thousand soms, of which: budgetary organizations owed ? 2,650.0 thousand soms, 650.0 thousand soms is owed by the population, industrial enterprises and organizations - 547.0 thousand soms.
- Absence of funds to acquire an extra spare pump in Samat village.
- Deterioration of water supply systems and stop valves in the whole city.
- Absence of devices for monitoring water consumption (hydrometers) at water intakes and by customers;
- Absence of irrigation water in the city means that drinking water is used for watering;
- Deterioration and shortage of pump units
- Absence of excavating machines and specialized auto machines with appropriate equipment.
- The sewerage system of the city is serviced by JSC ?Sulukta Kommunalshik?, which is part of municipal property. The centralized sewage system covers 2500 connections which produce 120 m3 of waste water per day, and 4 enterprises and establishments producing 40 m3 per day. The remainder of the residents use private toilets. There is no main sewerage drain in the city. There is no sewage disposal plant for collection of waste water. The sewerage drains into a gorge in the northern part of city and soaks into the ground. Tariffs for public utilities are fixed by Sulukta City Kenesh of deputies, in concordance with the Batken oblast Antimonopoly Policy Committee under the Government of KR. In 2002, taxes were established for the removal of liquid wastes, 5 soms per person, for the removal of solid wastes 6 soms per person/month. In 2003, actual revenues amounted to 99.6 thousand soms, expenses - 119.4 thousand soms and losses - 19.8 thousand soms.
- Replacement of a sewage headers in multi-storied houses in Razzakova Str.
- Large debts outstanding from people in 2000-2004, -187.5 thousand soms.
Electricity for Sulukta city is generated by a division of the Public Joint Stock Company ?Osh Electr? Sulukta Regional Power Station. The length of the overhead transmission lines: VL-35 kilowatt- 249.24 km, VL-10-6 kilowatt - 111.35 km, VL-0.4 kilowatt - 316.00 km. The number of transformer substations TP and KTP-10-6-0,4 kilowatt - 60 units, consumers? Substations and Substations without proprietors TP and KTP - 25 units.
- TP and KTP-10-6-0,4 kilowatt need replacement of commutation apparatus and insulated conductor APV-35-50 sq.mm.
- Transformer substation buildings need roof covering.
- VL ? 10-6 kilowatt?needs conductor replacement for AS-70.
- VL--10-6-0,4 kilowatt?needs replacement of a faulty pylon.
- Substation-35-10-6 kilowatt-needs additional transformer oil and replacement oiled switches type MV-10 kilowatt.
The electricity consumption limit in 2004 has been set at 33,230 thousand KW/hour whereas the needed supply is 35,400 thousand KW/hour. This leads to systematic mass blackouts, but the City Council is working towards abandoning this practice and shifting to individual address blackouts for the especially notorious non-payers, in addition giving TP and KTP to residents for rent.
? |
Electricity tariffs from March,15, 2002 |
Tyin, without taxes |
1 |
For residents 1 KW/hour of monthly electricity consumption:
- up to 150 KW/h.
- over 150 KW/h.
80.0 |
2 |
For residents, using electricity for heating and fuel supply and for those who are allowed 3-phased lead-in for 1 KW/h of consumed energy. |
80.0 |
3 |
For industrial consumers and conferred to the same status, for 1KW/h consumed energy. |
80.0 |
4 |
For pump stations, providing irrigation of agricultural land at the fixed limit of 1KW/h. |
60.0 |
5 |
For consumers financed by State budget for 1KW/h of consumed energy. |
80.0 |
6 |
For consumers using electricity for cooking with fixed power 6 kilowatt and over for 1KW/h for consumed energy. |
80.0 |
7 |
All categories of consumers (except residents), using electricity for heating and hot water supply in heating period of year with total power over 6 kilowatt for 1KW/h of consumed energy. |
80.0 |
8 |
For consumers using electricity in bath houses, saunas for heating and hot water supply for 1KW/h of consumed energy. |
80.0 |
9 |
For the rest of consumers for 1KW/h of consumed energy. |
80.0 |
Because of JSC ?Oshelectr? calculates actual revenue and expense for used electricity, it is not possible to get figures of revenues and expenses for Sulukta city.
Telecommunication services in the city are provided by the Sulukta branch BOF of the Joint-Stock Company ?Kyrgyztelecom? which serves 949 analog numbers. There is a central automatic telephone exchange based on the ?TSK 100/2000 with a 1,000 number capacity. In Kosh-Bulak ayil okmotu there is ?TSK 100/2000 with a 500 number capacity. International connection serves are based on the K-60 from Osh city.
Until 1992 a city radio unit used to function in the city. However, due to obsolete equipment the unit ceased to function. It is possible to purchase the necessary equipment at a cost of approximately 10-15 thousand dollars.
- Low consumer purchasing power of the population and significant accounts receivable: By 1 August, 2004 organizations financed by State budget-127.8 thousand soms; organizations financed by oblast budget-9.8 thousand soms, organizations financed by local budget-81.7 thousand soms, commercial organizations-239,1 thousand soms, residents-745.6 thousand soms.
- Absence of equipment for city radio broadcasting;
- Instability of communications caused by interruptions to the electric power supply;
- Absence of quality telecommunication between subscribers served by the Sulukta branch because of the deterioration of equipment and linear- cable facilities;
- Absence of computer and technical capabilities;
- Absence of digital communication and impossibility to have city wide access to the Internet.
Removal of domestic solid trash from the private sector and enterprises is carried out by JSC ?Sulukta Kommunalshik?, which is part of municipal property of the city, in accordance with contracts signed by individuals and companies. Of the 14.2 thousand people of Sulukta city (not including Kosh Bulak Ayl Okmotu) 5.0 thousand are using services provided this enterprise. On April 2001 on the eastern part of the city a plot 0.76 ha and on the north-western part of the city a plot 0.2 ha, was allotted for a waste dump by Sulukta City State administration. Tariff for removal of domestic solid waste, is 6 soms per month per person, for a norm of 2.0 m3 of trash collected per year. For multi-storied buildings the tariff is 5 soms per month per person for a of norm of 1.2 m3 collection per year.
The removal of solid waste from the city territory is carried out on a regular scheduled basis by 1 group of workers. 32 containers have been placed for collecting domestic solid waste. The collecting of garbage from dumps is carried out by an autoloader. 28,450 m3 of domestic solid waste, 360 cubic meters of street, square, park waste are removed from the territory of the city annually. Sulukta city Kenesh of deputies sets the public utilities tariffs in accordance with the Batken Antimonopoly Policy Committee under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
1. The enterprise needs assistance in construction or purchase of containers and specialized autoloader for removal of domestic solid waste, tractors for waste loading as well as auto-lift car for illumination repair.
The Department on Architecture and Construction at the Sulukta city administration carries out the preparation of authorization documentation for the design, construction and re-profiling in the city. The General Plan of the City Perspective Development was designed by the project of the ?Kyryzpromstroi? institute in 1982. In 1992, upon an order of the Ministry of Extraordinary Situations of Kyrgyzstan, the General Plan Kara Bulak was updated by the Central Science and Research Institute for City Construction located in Bishkek in order to resettle people from dangerous landslip zones. In accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the KR # 57 of 3.02.00, the maximum time required for obtaining authorization documents for construction, are identified as follows:
- For capital construction - 53 days
- For individual houses construction - 29 days
- For re-profiling - 27 days
- For capital construction under investment projects - 63 days
There are no funds for correcting errors or omissions in the General Plan for the old part of Sulukta city.
Sulukta division on land management and registration of real estate rights carries out real estate registration. The division consists of two departments: a department on land management and a department on registration of real estate rights and has 6 members of staff. Nowadays there is a systemization of registration of real estate, there are 2661 units of real estate of which 501 units were registered.
JSC ?Suluktakommunalshik? deals with issues of environmental protection and ecology for the city. To improve the ecological state of the city, the ?Territorial-Complex Program on the City Environment Nature Protection and Equipping with Modern Amenities? was worked out. The program is directed to improve air quality, ground, surface and underground waters, and also to help alleviate areas at risk of dangerous landslides, mudflows, boggy and waste ground areas for gardening, to ensure safety. In general, the city ecological state meets the considered norms. Equipping of the City with modern Amenities, reconstruction of obelisk and memorials, squares and parks is of great importance. However, the lack of funds means equipping and garden / park works are not implemented.
- Lack of money for sanitary clearing, gardening and clearing debris.
- Absence of irrigation water for irrigation of young plants in the summer, in the city territory.
- Lack of money for combating rodent pests (buying pesticides, baits etc.) that harm the city ecosystem.
Civil defense of Sulukta city consists of 12 services. They are communal and technical services; engineering services; service of power systems and blackout prevention; notification and communication services; medical services; service of animals and plants protection; water supply services; logistics services; fire fighting service; service of a social order protection and a system of supervision and a laboratory control; and separate mobile mine-rescue section.
JSC ?Tulpar? controls functioning of passenger transportation within the city territory. Passenger transportation. There are 2 intercity routs, 3 suburban routs, 1 city rout. Transport: buses-23 units, cargo tracks-3. Total-26 units. Form of proprietorship-private.
Oblast administration of transport inspection put into operation a new passenger route. Passenger transportation tariffs are set according to Oblast Antimonopoly Policy Committee. Passenger transportation tariffs and routes of JSC ?Tulpar? are controlled by administration of transport inspection and Oblast Antimonopoly Policy Committee.
- Price rises of petroleum products.
- A general lack of the spare parts and materials.
- There are no financial resources for updating transport. The average age of the vehicles is 15-20 years.
4.17 ROADS
The length of the roads in the city is 24 km; 22 km of them are covered with asphalt and 2 km with gravel. The length of sidewalks is 25 km. The main part of roads are curbed. All roads located in the territory of city are of local importance and are part of municipal propriety. There are no repair or service organizations.
1. Out of 22km. of asphalted roads 60 % need secondary asphalt cover.
2. 2 km. of gravel roads need to be covered with asphalt
3. To prevent and eliminate road and transport accidents, it is necessary to carry out works on patching repairing of roads in a timely fashion. In addition it is necessary to install 3 traffic lights and 110 traffic signs.
Originally approved income plan for 2003 was 12.0 million soms, fixed utility expenses-1.84 million soms. During the budget year, additional transfers were provided by the central government such that the budget increased to 14.1 million soms including 1.85 million soms for utilities.
Actual expenditures in 2003 of 14.1 million, of which 69% were dedicated to education and 31% for all other city functions.
Revenue side of the Sulukta city budget (in thousand of soms). |
Revenues by Sources |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2003 |
2004 |
actual |
actual |
Approved plan |
Actual |
Approved plan |
State taxes |
Income tax |
304.5 |
389.3 |
420.9 |
547.5 |
423.0 |
Profit tax |
115.2 |
160.5 |
149.0 |
64.5 |
154.2 |
Revenue from Mandatory Patenting |
4.4 |
5.1 |
5.6 |
9.9 |
Total state taxes |
419.7 |
554.2 |
575.0 |
617.6 |
587.1 |
Local taxes |
Confiscations and penalties |
1.3 |
Tax for providing paid services to the people |
490.3 |
682.9 |
737.1 |
778.2 |
817.0 |
Hotels tax |
0,2 |
0.8 |
Tax for the removal of garbage |
19.6 |
27.8 |
24.3 |
33.6 |
34.8 |
Tax from transport vehicles owners |
54.3 |
56.4 |
41.4 |
68.8 |
58.8 |
Land tax from individuals |
42.7 |
37.9 |
27.8 |
37.3 |
36.6 |
Land tax from legal entities |
79.2 |
86.1 |
133.0 |
139.2 |
67.2 |
Property taxes |
25.0 |
Total Local tax revenues |
686.1 |
891.1 |
964.9 |
1057.3 |
1040.2 |
Non tax revenues |
State duty |
83.2 |
61 |
84.5 |
126.6 |
62.1 |
Other non tax revenues |
27.4 |
50.6 |
- 51.7 |
13.0 |
20.2 |
Total: non tax revenues |
110.6 |
111.6 |
32.8 |
139.7 |
82.3 |
Special means |
399.6 |
536.5 |
331.9 |
881.4 |
340.4 |
Total tax, non tax and special means |
1616 |
2093.4 |
1904.6 |
2696.0 |
2050.0 |
Categorial grants |
7967.3 |
8204.1 |
5702.3 |
5702.3 |
6277.5 |
Equalization grants |
2648.2 |
2154.9 |
2123.7 |
2248.7 |
1878.6 |
Other transfers from the state budget |
463.2 |
5188.3 |
2343.6 |
3465.1 |
Total revenues with taking into account official transfers |
12694.7 |
17640.7 |
12074.2 |
14112.1 |
10206.1 |
Budget expenses of Sulukta city (in thousands of soms) |
Expenditures |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2003 |
2004 |
actual |
actual |
Approved plan |
actual |
Approved plan |
Expenses by economic activity |
State services |
1801.3 |
1675.9 |
2306.9 |
2985.9 |
1771.1 |
Defense |
17 |
45.3 |
40.4 |
27.0 |
39.3 |
Public order |
27 |
26.5 |
40.0 |
20.0 |
40.0 |
Education |
5936 |
8879.3 |
9259.2 |
9849.6 |
7227.0 |
Public health service |
3892 |
5852.2 |
Social protection |
505.2 |
349.8 |
742.6 |
635.2 |
525.9 |
Housing and communal services |
134.8 |
122.1 |
113.5 |
114.6 |
149.0 |
Culture and sports |
276 |
328 |
453.3 |
733.0 |
453.8 |
Agriculture |
38.4 |
6.8 |
Other services not attributed to other items |
5.8 |
Total expenditures with special means |
12627.7 |
17285.9 |
12961.7 |
14365.3 |
10206.1 |
Balance to be carried over |
67 |
354.3 |
101.1 |
Total expenditures |
17285.9 |
12961.7 |
14365.3 |
10206.1 |
Expenses by items |
Wages |
7907.3 |
8410.7 |
7661.6 |
8600.8 |
7043.1 |
Social fund allocations |
2268.8 |
2098.1 |
1921.0 |
2056.9 |
1760.7 |
Travel expenses inside of the country |
169.6 |
151.4 |
236.1 |
227.7 |
166.0 |
Purchasing of the equipment and materials |
2.3 |
9 |
5.0 |
5.0 |
Medicines and dressings materials |
106.3 |
143.8 |
15.0 |
2.5 |
15.2 |
Food |
321.6 |
358.6 |
214.1 |
201.0 |
170.3 |
Transport |
109.8 |
247.2 |
138.1 |
124.2 |
93.1 |
Municipal services |
797.3 |
4822.8 |
1849.2 |
1856.0 |
187.5 |
Other purchases and services |
297 |
291.1 |
327.3 |
343.5 |
95.3 |
Major repairs |
57.4 |
55 |
54.9 |
42.5 |
66.0 |
Subsidies |
134.8 |
122.1 |
113.5 |
114.6 |
149.0 |
Privileges |
63.4 |
42.3 |
93.8 |
66.5 |
119.5 |
Special means |
392.1 |
533.8 |
331.9 |
724.1 |
340.4 |
Balance to be carried over |
67 |
Total expenses on economic items |
12627.7 |
17285.9 |
12961.7 |
14365.3 |
10206.1 |
The city hall owns 60 other types of assets worth 41,551,965 soms (buildings, structures, communications etc.)
Objects of municipal property
? |
Name |
Year of putting into operation |
Length k?. |
Fixed capacity |
Notes |
1 |
Asphalted roads |
1960-90 |
22 |
2 |
Canals, aryk systems |
1960-90 |
4.3 |
3 |
Paths |
1960-80 |
2.5 |
4 |
Bridges, river crossing |
1988-89 |
0.05 |
5 bridges |
5 |
Squares |
1996 |
0.3 |
1 square |
7 |
Cemeteries |
1940 |
4 |
8 |
Street illumination system |
1965-90 |
2.5 |
9 |
?Samat? pump station |
1965 |
1 |
2 units. |
10 |
?Kara-Bulak? well |
1978 |
10 ?3/h |
3 wells |
11 |
Chimgen water intake |
1965 |
1 |
1 ha |
12 |
Water supply line
Tegirmen Sai Sulukta |
1940 |
23 |
13 |
Water supply line
Chimgen Samat |
1965 |
5 |
14 |
Water supply line
Samat Tovarnaya |
1965 |
7 |
15 |
Koltzo water intake |
1980 |
1 unit |
0.4 ha |
7. NGOs and organizations Established by communities
The city is divided into 9 territorial public self-governments (TOS): Razzakova, Sovetskaya, Bakybeka, Elmuratova, Makaevka- T. Ibragimova, Amraeva, Otbasarova, Kyzyl-Bel and Kenchi. Kosh-Bulak village is divided into 7 territorial public self-governments (TOS): Bokonbaev-Brick plant, T.Rustamov-Toktogul, Studencheskaya-Kenjebaev, D. Joroev-70 let Oktyabrya, Djurabaev-Lomonosova, Sh. Djoroev-S. Sadykov and Koltzo village.
8 NGOs are registered, 4 of which are currently functioning. 1 carries out its activity in the field of charity, 2-education, 1-protection of consumer rights.
There are 15 mosques and 1 orthodox church.
Newspaper ?Shahter jolu? is published in the city in Russian and Kyrgyz, twice per month, with a circulation of 1200 copies. Staff of ?Shahter jolu? newspaper consists of 4 reporters and contributors.