Jalal-Abad city is in the South of Kyrgyztan some 60 km from the capital of Osh oblast ? Osh city. It is a distance of 520 km from Bishkek city, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. Jalalabat is located at the foot of Tina-Shan mountain range, and near the base the smaller Aiyn-??? mountains, in the Kogart valley. Jalalabat is 763 m above sea level with a subtropic / continental dry climate with relatively low rainfall. The annual average temperature is 130?, with a range of 25 to 27 0? in July, and in January from -8 to -10 0?.
The settlement Jalalabat was first mentioned in official historical documents back in 1877. Back then it was a Caravanserai for traders traveling along the Great Silk Road. The place was a crossroad for cattle drivers, both buyers and sellers. It was the period of time referred to as the ?Steppe Trade?.
With the increase in the population, it led to the establishment by craftsmen of potteries and handicraft workshops, which later gave rise to the formation of small processing factories and enterprises. Development of industry encouraged the building of the railroad to Andijan city in 1916.
The sources of mineral water, believed to be very beneficial to health, promoted the development of the city as a popular health resort. The resort of Jalalabat is 5 km from the city rising to a height of 971 m above sea level.
Jalalabat was awarded the status of capital city of the oblast in 1991. The city covers an area of 24.6 sq.km.
POPULATION: the population of the city including Taigarai ayil okmotu, as of 01.01.2004 was 83,371 people or 8.7% of the oblast population. The city population of 75,696 people and includes a rural population of 7,675 people. The number of working people is more than 19 thousand.
Representatives of about 50 ethnic groups live in the city, including Kyrgyz (in thousands of people) ? 35.5, Uzbeks ? 30.2, Russian ? 6.0, Tajiks ? 0.4, Tatars ? 2.0, Turks ? 0.4, other ethnic groups ? 8.8.
# | Population | Number (thousands) |
1. | Total population | 83.4 |
2. | Men | 39.2 |
3. | Women | 44.2 |
4. | Children under 16 | 27.2 |
5. | Women from 16 to 55 | 27.3 |
6. | Men from 16 to 55 | 23.4 |
7. | Women over 55 | 3.6 |
8. | Men over 55 | 1.9 |
| |
# | Population by employment | Estimated |
1. | Pre-school children 1-6 | 9.2 |
2. | School children 6-16 | 18.0 |
3. | Students | 16.4 |
4. | State employees | 1.7 |
5. | Occupied in education | 4.7 |
6. | Occupied in healthcare | 2.5 |
7. | Occupied in industry | 5.1 |
8. | Occupied in Agriculture | 4.4 |
9. | Occupied in the service sphere | 0.7 |
10. | Pensioners | 7.0 |
11. | Unemployed | 1.3 |
12. | Adults, not considered in other categories (house-keepers and other.) | 12.4 |
| | | |
The analysis of the gross domestic product for 2000-2004 is shown in the following Table (in mln.Som.).
Name of parameters | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 6 months. 2004 | % of the total 2003 |
Total GDP, including: | 2284.9 | 2337.7 | 2934.5 | 2781.9 | 1014.3 | 100% |
Volume of industrial products | 2003.5 | 1988.4 | 2564.9 | 2187.2 | 828.5 | 78.6% |
Gross agricultural products | 69.2 | 69.3 | 70.5 | 74.5 | 17.1 | 2.7% |
Construction | 38.1 | 81.1 | 61.1 | 245.2 | 11.1 | 8.8% |
Paid services | 174.1 | 198.9 | 238.0 | 275.0 | 157.6 | 9.9% |
Including transportation services | 0.78 | 0.80 | 0.79 | 0.82 | 0.34 | |
The economic activity in the city is carried out by other economic entities:
- Industrial enterprises ? 50
- Construction organizations ? 5
- Small enterprises involved in various kinds of other activities ? 452
- Farms ? 1590
- Transportation organizations ? 5
Industrial sector
The industrial capacity of Jalalabat city is represented by 50 enterprises, producing goods of 500 different categories.
The largest of these is the Kyrgyz-Canadian joint enterprise ?Kyrgyz Petroleum Company?, its production volume amounts to about 31% of the total volume of commodity production of the city; its capacity can meet 25% of the demand for lubricants of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.
The Joint Stock Company (JSC) ?Kyrgyzkhlopok? (cotton) and JV ?Ak-Altyn? produce cotton fiber. There are also the tobacco-fermentation companies ?Tura-Ai? LTD and ?Aziz-Tabak? LTD. More than 90% of the production of cotton and tobacco is exported to 17 different countries (CIS and non-CIS).
The flour milling companies of the city, JSC "Azrat Aiyb", close-ended JSC PTC ?Intershak?, Limited Liability Company ?Maryam and Co?, supply the total annual demand for flour of the population.
There are enterprises producing food and alcoholic products of which the leading enterprise of this sector is the close-ended JSC ?Jalal-Abad Arak? plant.
The machine-building factories have large industrial capacity. The following are the main ones ? JSC ?Nur?, JSC ?Nasos? (pump), Trade and technological equipment plant and OP 36/10.
JSC ?Nur? exports 60% of its production, which includes electrical connectors and pressed parts. UzDaewoo also produces various consumer goods such as sockets, chucks, plugs, T-joints, lamps and others.
JSC ?Nasos (pump)? is specialized in manufacture of centrifugal cradle-mounted pumps, non-standard specialized equipment and cast-iron products.
In 1998 the Trade and technological equipment plant opened up and produces mud dam mattresses ?Reno?, used in the reinforcement of the banks of channels, rivers and water reservoirs.
The leading light industry company is JSC ?Mata? which manufactures bonded fabrics of 7 mln. sq. m. The enterprise is engaged in the production of container linen, sheet wadding, decorative products, furniture, portiere and other types of linen. The enterprise products are exported to other CIS countries.
There are two enterprises in the city engaged in the processing of timber and furniture manufacture. These are JSC ?Emerrk? and JSC ?Kok-Art?. JSC ?Emerek?, having highly competent personnel and opportunities to use local raw material (walnut veneer sheet burl, walnut timber), they produce high quality products ? office furniture, living room furniture (cabinets and cupboards), soft furnishings and kitchen furniture.
Currently there are 452 businesses that operate in the city in the specialized areas of services and other value added activities.
To create new production facilities and products in 2003, the city attracted internal and direct foreign investments to the tune of 601.7 mln.Soms. This was twice as much as the previous year.
The main problems preventing the growth of industrial production in the city are as follows:
- Shortage of raw material supplies for the enterprises processing raw cotton and tobacco, since the total capacity of all these newly created enterprises in the oblast, is 10 times more than the available raw material production of the region.
- Problems in selling petroleum products from the JV Kyrgyz Petroleum Company (KPC) because of the severe competition on prices from the large oil companies ? NC ?Alliance? supplying oil products and the JV ?Kyrgyz Petroleum Company ? ? produces petroleum fuel.
- There are problems for local producers (vodka, flour, confectioneries, etc) related to the proliferation of competing goods legally imported from other regions of Kyrgyzstan and illegally imported goods from neighboring countries.
- Branches of the following commercial banks (JSCCB ?Kyrgyzstan?, JSCCB ?Dos-Credobank?, :Kazcomerce-Kyrgyzstan? bank, Kyrgyz-Russian ?Amanbank?, ?Kyrgyzprombank? JSCCB, JSCCB ?Ysyk-Kol Investbank?, JSCCB ?Ecobank? and JSC ?Energobank?.
- Kyrgyz Agricultural financial corporation
- Financial fund ?Bai-Tushum?
- ?Finca-Kyrgyzstan?
- 6 credit unions;
- Southern public fund on microcredit ?Ak-Maral?
- Agency on micro-crediting ?Ai-Ken?
- Inter-regional center of micro-crediting of unemployed
- The State Commission on Support and Development of entrepreneurship under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
- City council on protection of entrepreneurship
- City council on attraction of investments
- City department of the center of people employment
- Working group on grant attraction
- Fund ?Shakir Tagaeva? for the support of entrepreneurship and small to medium size businesses
- NGO ?Center of Women Initiatives?
Purchase of food products for the family | 43.3 |
Purchase of non-food products | 27.7 |
Purchase for every day goods, medicines and detergents | 9.2 |
Payments for social and personal services | 19.8 |
Construction in the city is represented by enterprises such as: JSC ?SPMK?, JSC ?Usta?, ?Octobrsjot PMK?, JSC ?Jalalabat kurulush?.
For 2003, 246.2 mln.soms and for 2002 - 61.1 mln.soms were spent on capital construction. This increase was due to the cost of starting the new Kyrgyz-Chinese enterprise ?Jandos? LTD which produces fruit and vegetable juice. Capital investments of 42.3 mln.soms were spent on city road reconstruction projects.
Ninety individual houses with the total area of 9,827 m2 were built. The cost of these new individual houses was 15.3 mln.soms.
Today there remains some critical problems regarding construction in the city ? there are a large number of unfinished construction sites, the need for reconstruction and major repairs of existing dwellings and public buildings, inadequate administrative guidelines and enforcement for construction projects, and there should be more focus on building projects that utilize alternative sources of power for heating and water supply.
It is proposed that in the coming years, capital building in the city will be carried out according to the new general city plan, which today is being developed by the project Bishkek Institute Kyrgyzgiprozem. The plan will stipulate the creation of new micro districts, individual constructions, multi-story houses, road intersections, social building, industrial zones and other directives, leading to the resolution of the housing problems.
City Kenesh includes 30 deputies. Toraga of City Kenesh is A.A.Mamadjanov. Deputy Toraga City Kenesh is K.A.Mamatkulov. The following permanent commissions have been created:
Commission on the budget, economy and financial issues - 7 deputies, Chairman - A.P.Shirinbekov
Commission on social and legal, international issues - 7 deputies, Chairman - A.B.Abdrashev.
Commission on industry, Agriculture, trade and business activity - 7 deputies, Chairman - D. M. Mamasaliev.
Commission on construction, transport, communication and communal economy - 7 deputies, Chairman - S.T. Aitbaev
Organizations providing public services in the city:
Jalalabat oblast state administration |
Jalalabat oblast Kenesh |
Mayor''s office of Jalalabat city |
Jalalabat City Kenesh |
Oblast trade union council |
Oblast department of state statistics |
Oblast department of employment of the population |
Oblast state property fund |
Jalalabat oblast department of internal affairs |
Jalalabat oblast national security department |
Oblast prosecutor''s office |
Oblast court |
Oblast arbitration court |
Oblast department of justice |
Oblast judicial department |
Oblast department of architecture and construction |
Oblast civil defense unit |
Oblast military registration and enlistment office |
Basin department of water economy |
PLUAD (highway management unit) ? 6 |
Jalalabat zonal center on immovables and land reforms |
Jalalabat department of walnut and fruit tree forests |
Jalalabat oblast department of environmental protection |
Jalalabat department of architecture and construction |
Jalalabat oblast veterinary department |
Jalalabat unified hospital |
Oblast maternity house |
Family medicine center |
Oblast enterprise "Kyrgyzpochtasy" (post office) |
Oblast department of education |
Oblast committee of tourism and sports |
Oblast department of social security |
Oblast department of social fund |
Oblast television and radio company |
Oblast department of culture |
Oblast department of archive and documents |
Oblast library |
City department of internal affairs |
City court |
City prosecutor''s office |
City military registration and enlistment office |
City civil defense unit |
City communal property department |
City department of culture |
City department of architecture and construction |
City committee on tourism, sports and youth policy |
City department of social security |
City social fund department |
City department of education |
Center of employment of the population |
Jalalabat City department on organization of the use of land and registration of rights for immovable property |
State department of city statistics |
City veterinary station |
Taigaraev aiyl okmotu |
Public territorial council "Dostuk" |
Public territorial council "Kurmanbek" |
Public territorial council "Amir-Timur" |
Public territorial council "Sputnik" |
City civilian registry office |
City center "Mercy" |
Passenger transportation agency |
Municipal enterprises and organizations
Organizations | Number of personnel | Type of property |
Production and exploitation association of housing and communal economy of Jalalabat oblast | 5 | State prop. |
Jalalabat electrical power network enterprise | 378 | State prop. |
JSC ?Jalalabatelectro? | 1219 | State prop. |
Housing and communal department, including: | 187 | Municip. |
- Engineering technical workers of the department | 19 | Municip. |
- City electrical illumination | 10 | Municip. |
- Greenery entity | 24 | Municip. |
- Bureau of civil ceremonies | 22 | Municip. |
- Directorate of parks | 17 | Municip. |
- City radio center | 6 | Municip. |
- Special motor-transport depot for sanitation cleaning | 83 | Municip. |
- Parking | 6 | Municip. |
Jalalabat RES (power station) | 145 | State prop. |
Energy department | 83 | State prop. |
MPO (production association) ?Thermal power supply? | 83 | State prop. |
Department ?Vodokanal? (water supply) | 144 | Municip. |
Gas supply department ?Jalalabatgas? | 145 | State prop. |
Healthcare establishments of Jalalabat city:
- Oblast hospital, TB prophylactic center;
- FMC (family medicine center) includes 7 multi-profile polyclinics and 7 family group practitioners (FGP) (polyclinic #1 provides services for 17.5 thous. people, #2 ? 14.4 thous.people; #3 ? 15.4 thous.people; #4 ?15.5 thous.people; #5 ? 12.5 thous.people; #6 ? 2.1 thous.people; #7 ? 6.0 thous.people). These polyclinics provide services for citizens of the Jalalabat oblast.
- City sanitary and epidemiological station;
- Dental polyclinics
Adequate provision with doctors per 10000 people is 49.5 (oblast ? 15.4)
Adequate provision with beds per 10000 of people is 44.50
Infant death rate ? 39.7 (on oblast ? 21.5) including light weight.
Mother death rate 43.4 per mille (per 100 thous. live births)
Children immunization plan under 1 year is executed by 50.8%, from 1 to 7 ? 53.6% (as of 07.01.2004)
- Need for medical equipment to properly examine patients: bronchoscope, columnscope, ultra sound device, X-ray apparatus, ECHO electrocardiograph, monocular microscope BI.
- Lack of funds for the purchase of medicines for first aid services (ambulance).
- Need for an anesthesia respiratory device for the territorial surgery hospital and maternity department.
- Need to purchase equipment for ?Life Support? facilities for critically ill patients.
- Equipment for the storage of blood components.
- Lack of laboratory analyzers.
- Lack of funds to purchase medical periodicals, journals and other literature to maintain the educational level of the medical workers.
- Specialization and further education of doctors is needed.
City department of education under mayor''s office manages the work of secondary schools and kindergartens, located in the territory of the city.
Educational establishments and number of pupils (schools and kindergartens)
Type of establishment | Number of seats | Number of children |
Schools ? 21, including: Secondary schools ? 17 Incomplete secondary schools ? 2 Kyrgyz ? Turkish lyceum ? 2 | 9560 8644 240 676 | 18006 16869 755 382 |
Kindergarten ? 20 | 2350 | 2317 |
Non-school establishments:
Children and youth sports schools: 2 schools, 10 sports groups with 12 pupils in each. Jalalabat branch of the international fund ?Meerim?. 24 groups and more than 729 pupils.
- Insufficient school furniture, sports facilities, school books.
- Lack of a laboratory and laboratory equipment
- Lack of funds for the major repair of schools and kindergartens.
Educational establishments and number of pupils (higher educational establishments (HEE, secondary educational establishments (SEE), vocational lyceum)
# | Name of HEE, SEE | Name of faculties, departments, professions | Number of students |
1 | Jalalabat State University | The pedagogic, new information technologies, philology, foreign language (English, German), social ? humanitarian faculty (history, regional geography, sociology, social work), nursery and medical business, engineering ? technological faculty, agrarian ? biological faculty, economy, retraining and improvement of professional skills | 7970 |
2 | Jalalabat Commercial Institute | Economy, management, finance and credit, accounting and audit, economy and management of enterprises, organization management, marketing, international relations, Turkic language and theology study, customs affair, social and cultural service and tourism. | 1652 |
3 | Jalalabat state technical institute | Power and telecommunications, technologies and ecology, agrarian service, specialties: organization of safe road transport, machine operators, applied mathematics, land management and a ground cadastre, automobiles and motor transport service, highways and airports, economy and production management, retraining and improvement of professional skills. | 2012 |
4 | Kyrgyz State Physical Culture Institute (branch) | Teachers of physical training and sports, the trainer | 208 |
5 | People''s Friendship University named after ?.Batyrov | Jurisprudence, economy and law, managerial economics at enterprises, finance and credit, English, pedagogics, elementary education techniques with an English language bias | 968 |
6 | International University of Kyrgyzstan (branch) | Jurisprudence, customs law, international law, international relations, science of law, economy, finance and credit, banking, international economic relations, accounting and auditing. | 520 |
7 | Osh Technological University | Organization of traffic, communication networks and systems, power supply, accounting and auditing | 640 |
8 | Institute of electronics and power | Research workers for electronics and power | 4 |
9 | Medical college | Obstetrician, nurses, medicine, medical-prophylactics, laboratory diagnostics, pharmacy, stomatology, orthopedics. | 1236 |
10. | Pedagogical college | Primary school teachers | 310 |
11 | Culture technical school | Workers of cultural education establishments | 169 |
12 | Professional lyceum #1 | Postal business, telegraphic communication, seamstress, accounting, electric welding and mechanics | 435 |
13 | Professional lyceum #75 | Gas and electric welding, driver, cook ? confectioner, joiner - carpenter, electrician - controller, hairdresser, TV set repairman, seamstress. | 276 |
4.3.1. Oblast library
The central library of the oblast has 126,000 books. The library has 6 branches with access to these 126 thousand books. The children''s library at the House of Creativity Fund has 25,000 books.
4.3.2. City museum
The city historical museum was established in 1972. It covers an area of about 199 m2 and consists of 9 halls. It is one of the oldest museums in oblast. The city museum makes an enormous contribution to the dissemination of history and patriotic education to the younger generation. The museum is visited by organized trips of pupils from high schools, students from HEE and SEE, visitors to the city and the city population itself. Up to 10,000 people have visited the museum: individual visits: 3000, excursions - 7000.
4.3.3. Parks
There are 3 recreation parks: Toktogul with the area of 7.5 ha, Navoi with the area of 14.5 ha, and Nooruz with the area 10 ha.
Some 57 km from Jalalabat city is the natural boundary of hills called Karaalma where there is a children''s holiday and health camp, ?Altyn Balalyk?, which was built in 1972. In 2002, the camp was partially repaired at the expense of the mayor?s office of Jalalabat city, educational employees, businesses, organizations and other establishments of the city. During the summer season 260 children in 2003 and 275 children in 2004 spend their summer holidays at the camp. To improve conditions for the children at the camp for relaxation and enjoyment during their summer holidays, it is necessary to make repairs to all of the buildings, the pool and to purchase furniture and equipment.
- The House of culture is needed for the organization of circles: dancing, folklore, drama studio, studio of sound recording, propaganda team.
- Public address system with a capacity no less than 8 kw is needed for the organization of City events in the stadium and other open areas: the sound recording equipment for organization of a studio.
- Major repairs of the library is needed. Funds for updating the library with more modern, educational and fiction books. Computerization of the library is also needed.
- Budget funding is needed for major repairs of the city museum
- The recreation park is self-supported and financed. Ideally new park leisure attractions and activities need to be purchased to add variety (there are only 12 at present in the park).
- Major repairs of children''s health and holiday camp ?Altyn Balalyk? are necessary.
4.3.4. SPORTS CONSTRUCTIONS located in the city:
City stadiums - 2 (stadium ?Kurmanbek? designed for 5.0 thousand seats and stadium ?Spartak? for 1.0 thousand seats)
Football fields - 2
Sports center of the city department of education - 1
Basketball grounds - 22
Volleyball grounds - 41
Sports halls - 21
- Insufficient apparatus and equipment for sporting activities.
- Major repairs of the city stadium (changing rooms, shower cubicles, ancillary premises, seats on the tribune for spectators, office building) and construction of an irrigation system for watering the football field are needed.
In total there are 219 inhabited apartment houses, 7569 apartments, with a total floor area of 340,605 m2. In Jalalabat city itself, there are 115 apartments which are not privatized. The number of individual apartment houses amount to more than 12,000.
For the period from 1996 to present, 73 condominiums were created which incorporate 198 inhabited multi-storey houses, 6711 apartments or 90% of multi-storey houses.
- Large unpaid debts of the population for utility services;
- Shortage of money for major repairs of roofs of multi-storey houses and utility services (replacement of pipelines, latches, gates, heating systems, cold and hot water supplies).
- 70% of houses need major repairs. 42 houses need repairs and 63 houses it is necessary to repair water pipes, sewage, boards, electrical cables and roofs.
- 50% of houses have worn out water pipes and gas pipes and are in urgent need of repair.
The social protection department of Jalalabat city is responsible for administering the city program for social support and protection of the population.
The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic has programs for supporting the needy in the population in the form of state payments, social allowances, indemnification against payment of utilities and other kinds of privileges. In 2003, the amount of 6,277.5 thousand soms and for the first half of 2004 - 3,050.2 thousand soms were paid from the national budget. In 2003, privileges were provided to the amount of 6,579.2 thousand soms and for 6 months of 2004 - the amount was 2,607.1 thousand soms, 12.0% of which was funded by City budget.
Poverty level
# | Status | 2003 | 2004 (6 months) |
| | Families | % | Families | % |
1. | Extremely poor families with incomes less than 397 soms | 6723 | 32.9 | 6360 | 28.8 |
2. | Poor families with incomes less than 657 soms | 2427 | 11.9 | 2946 | 13.3 |
- It is impossible to provide paid employment to all.
- A rehabilitation center is needed for children-invalids and pensioners.
There are 50719 able-bodied people in the city, of which 41100 are economically active. The labor market that accounts for the economically active part of the population is in a difficult financial situation because of full or partial absence of paid work.
The situation in the labor market remains difficult because of the adverse ratio of supply and demand for manpower.
Number of unemployed people for 2000-2004
Years | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 |
Number of unemployed | 1821 | 1191 | 1525 | 1591 | 1312 |
Main indicators of the city department of employment
| 2002 | 2003 | 2004 |
| Forecast | Actual | Forecast | Actual | Forecast | Actual (6 months) |
Created workplaces | 2626 | 2974 | 2655 | 3202 | 2960 | 1778 |
Placed in job | 920 | 1110 | 720 | 1001 | 1120 | 462 |
Skills training | 95 | 103 | 52 | 60 | 105 | 32 |
Public paid works | 430 | 442 | 252 | 272 | 207 | 275 |
Micro-credits received | 20 | 27 | 30 | 39 | 50 | 17 |
Check for the workplace | 10 | 10 | 5 | 10 | 10 | - |
Assigned allowance | 411 | 490 | 364 | 461 | 254 | 375 |
Creation of workplaces
| 2002 | 2003 | 2004 |
| Actual | Actual | Forecast | Actual for 6 months. |
Created workplaces | 2974 | 3202 | 2960 | 1778 |
At the expense of small and medium business | 545 | 604 | 600 | 301 |
At the expense of local and national budget | 103 | 85 | 80 | 42 |
At the expense of own funds of enterprises | 322 | 210 | 240 | 150 |
At the expense of own funds of entrepreneurs | 1400 | 1420 | 1110 | 672 |
At the expense of foreign investments | 125 | 295 | 600 | 321 |
At the expense of the employment promotion fund | 479 | 588 | 330 | 292 |
Youth labor registry office |
Covered | 668 | 468 | 511 | 572 |
Placed in job | 326 | 385 | 401 | 405 |
Consultations received | 242 | 258 | 275 | 285 |
To implement Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 15, 2004, #170 the City department of employment has developed business incubators. Recently the reconstruction and major repair of the professional lyceum #1 building was carried out. The main purpose of the business incubator is to support the development of small to medium size businesses. Thus creating new jobs for the purpose of helping the jobless citizens, and where the main focus will be directed towards women and the youth. The business incubators will create 540 new workplaces.
There is an important role played by the private sector in supporting employment. The development of the private sector requires that the state create and promote very favorable conditions to encourage its growth.
In Jalalabat city the retail trade is conducted in 10 stationary markets, 9 small markets which are privately owned, and also in 120 shops. In the markets more than 6 thousand citizens are engaged in commercial activity. Retail commodity circulation for 2002 was 1,334.5 mln. soms, and in 2003 it was 1,559.7 mln. soms.
The enterprise ?Jalalabatvodokanal? department (water supply) is a specialized enterprise supplying drinking water to businesses and the population of the city. The number of users of Jalalabatgorvodokanal is 16764, comprising: the population - 16414, communal enterprises - 74, other enterprises - 276. Assets of Jalalabatgorvodokanal are worth ? 21,312.8 thousand soms.
Except for Jalalabatgorvodokanal the following departmental and suburban wells also supply drinking water to the population of Jalalabat city:
Taigaraev ? 7.0 thousand people
JSC ?Ak-Bulak? - 4.5 thousand people
Geological prospecting ? 4.5 thousand .people
JSC ?Salkyn suu? ? 8.0 thousand people
Railway station ? 8.0 thousand people
JSC ?Tash-Temir? - 5.0 thousand people
27396 people use street water pumps.
The city is provided with drinking water by twenty seven artesian wells located in various parts of city, with a total capacity of the well pumps - 52 thousand m3 / day of drinking water.
The daily volume of delivered drinking water in 2004 to the population was 12450 m3/day, to budgetary organizations - 1336 m3/day and to industrial enterprises - 2490 m3/day
The length of water supply systems is about 185 km long. The first water lines were layed in 1952, and more than 40% of which suffers from severe deterioration. The quality of drinking water, supplied to the city population meets the requirement of GOST ?Drinking water?.
The cost of one cubic meter of water is 3.40 soms. Tariffs for water consumption for the budgetary organizations and businesses is 3.40 soms for 1 cub.m., and for the population ? 3.24 soms for 1 cub.m.
Water supply for 1st half of 2004: actual expenses ? 3,946.5 thousand soms, actual income ? 4,280.3 thousand soms.
- Obsolete water supply systems. 40% of existing water pipes are only maintained under an emergency regime;
- The water scoop consists of separate wells located in different areas of the city, and water is supplied from them directly to the network without tank storage which results in an increased charge for electric power;
- Necessity to maintain a plentiful supply of pumps and engineers to operate and maintain them;
- Unreliability and instability of the water supply. A failure at one pump station results in a whole district of the city being cut off from the water supply;
- Impossible to supply water to the top floors of multi-storey buildings especially in summer;
- Problems in purifying the water.
Jalalabat department Jalalabatvodokanal provides sewage services. The department is part of the municipal property of the mayor?s office of Jalalabat city.
The sewage system has been operating in the city since 1963 and is maintained by Jalalabatvodokanal. The old treatment plants were built in 1963 and were designed for a capacity of 1450 m3/day.
In 1990 ?new? treatment plants with capacity of 35 thousand m3 a day were put into operation. The central sewage system covers 8466 users, discharging 13450 m3/day of sewage, including the industrial enterprises and other organizations. The length of the sewage system is 61.5 km.
The population which is not connected to the city?s main sewage system use septic tanks and waste water runs into street channels.
Cost of 1m3 drains: for organizations ? 1.81 soms, for the population ? 1.77 soms.
Sewage for the 1st half of 2004: actual expenses ? 1691.3 thous. soms, actual income ? 1834.4 thous. soms.
- Major repair works to modernize the ?old? treatment plants is needed;
- It is necessary to construct a station for transferring sewage from the old treatment plants to the ?new? ones;
- Major repair or replacement of blowers for the sewage treatment plants is needed.
Services of power supply of the city are provided by the Jalalabat raion electric network which is a structural division the open-ended JSC Jalalabatelectro.
Extent of the city overhead transmission line: 6 kW ? 80.01 km, 10 kW ? 108.70 km, 0.4 kW ? 287.5 km, cable lines: 6 kW ? 35.80 km, 10 kW ? 8.51 km, 0.4 kW ? 25.85 km.
Transformer substations 6-10/0.4 kW-240 units.
Since March 15, 2002 the following tariffs were established:
- For the population under 150 kw/h inclusive - 43.0 tyiyn
- Over 150 kw/h - 80.0 tyiyn
- For industrial and equalized consumers with the declared capacity: - under 150 kw inclusive for 1 kw/h of the consumed power - 96.0 tyiyn
- With the declared capacity over 150 kw:- for 1 kW/h of the established capacity (in soms / month) - 54.0 tyiyn - for 1 kw/h of consumed electric power (in tyiyns) - 84.0 tyiyn
For agricultural users with the established capacity:
- under 150 kw inclusive for 1 kw/h of the consumed power - 96.0 tyiyn
For pump stations and wells, providing irrigation of farmlands within the allocated limits - 72.0 tyiy
For the consumers financed from the republican and local budgets - 96,0 tyiyn
For all other consumers - 96,0 tyiyn
For the 1st half of 2004 and actual incomes were ? 277,795 thousand soms, actual expenses ? 255,188 thousand soms, profit ? 22,607 thous.Soms.
To transfer all lines with voltage of 6 kW to 10 kW, it will be necessary: to replace transformers at the substations: Jalalabat T-2 with 40000 kWA, T-4 with 40000 kWA; at substation Kluchevaya to replace T-1, T-2 with 10000 kWA, at substation Astana T-1 with 10000 kWA; at substation Industrial to replace T-1 with 10000 kWA
To construct substations of 35/10 kW in microdistricts Zhenish, Kurbambek, near TB prophylactic center 110/10 kW 16000 kWA.
To construct VL-10/0,4 kW in microdistricts Kurmanbek and to establish TP-10 units, microdistrict Dostuk - 10 units, microdistrict Kugart - 5 units.
1. It is necessary to resolve the problem of ownership and maintenance costs of these substations KL-0,4 kW on multi-storey houses, the transformer substations supply power to the population. There is an estimate-design for these works which amounts to 162067.8 thousand soms.
2. Reconstruction of cable lines 6 kW ? 29.20 km, lines 10 kW-5.15 km., installation of additional TP - 15 units are needed.
3. Replacement of 80% of existing transformers is required.
4. The receivables as of 07.01.04 - 21320 thousand soms, including of the population 11512 thousand soms. A limit for 2004 is 181,337 million kw /hours
Telecommunication services in the city are provided by Jalalabat oblast branch JSC Kyrgyztelecom, serving 12429 numbers, including 68 analog lines (Taigaraev a/o), 12361 digital lines. There are three Automatic telephone exchanges (ATE) in the city: ATE - 5-of 6590 numbers, ATE - 4-2720 numbers, Hardware - 3-3119 numbers
Low level of installation of telephones because of a lack of funds to purchase cables;
Deterioration of telecommunication services to the population because of the frequent theft of cable communication lines;
High receivables: from the population ? 2,842.8 thousand soms, organizations ? 5,686.7 thousand soms as of 01.07.04.
In Jalalabat city there are 17 boiler-houses included in the ownership of the municipal organization ?Heat Supply? which were put into operation in 1956-1961.
Up to 1996, 130 apartment houses, all schools, kindergartens and polyclinics were heated. Because of the length of service, age and lack of funding for repairs ? maintenance and preventive works is limited and the major part of the heating mains and internal systems are broken. Now only 50 apartment houses, 3 polyclinics, 5 schools, 5 kindergartens are heated.
Actual expenses for the 1st half of 2004 was 4,361.3 thousand soms, actual incomes ? 426.5 thousand soms, making a loss of ? 3,934,8 thousand soms. The price established in the plan for the population for 1 Gkal ? 390.0 soms, the actual cost price was 1 Gkal ? 1168.0 soms.
1. The receivables were 4,629,200 soms, including: City department of education ? 1,811,348 soms, the center of family medicine ? 158,990 soms, the city population ? 2,658,862 soms. The receivables were from the period of 2000 to 2004.
2. The heating mains extend to 16.5 km is completely damaged; therefore apartment houses are not heated.
3. Because of the hardness of the water, the inside of the pipes have become heavily scaled resulting in lower heat emissions.
4. The annual expenses of the city boiler-houses in money terms was 10.2 mln.soms, payment for released thermal energy ? 3.4 mln.soms, losses were 6.8 mln.soms, part of which is covered by Kyrgyzzhylcommunsojuz.
5. For normal operation it is necessary: to start up 2 electrical boilers in the boiler-house #12 in microdistrict ?Sputnik?, to convert boiler-houses into using of liquid fuel - black oil, to replace the heating system with the diameter 76-159 mm in two strings ? 16.5 km, to replace 250 latches with diameters of 50-150 mm, to install 20 pumps.
Public utility services are provided by the special motor depot for city sanitation engaged in cleaning of the city and collecting refuse from enterprises and organizations located in the city and performing sanitary cleaning of public buildings.
For the better control and management of services to the population, the city is divided into 8 sectors with one Manager assigned to each. They organize the removal of refuse and the collection of payments for this service.
Refuse is collected in two ways:
1. By workers of the special motor depot for city sanitation on request or a gang of workers with automobiles load and remove domestic waste using the resources of the special motor depot for city sanitation, according to a fixed schedule.
2. Self-removal, when Clients with a vehicle load and remove domestic waste to the city dump, but a written contract is signed between the special motor depot for city sanitation and the client.
The removal of refuse for the city population is done on a daily basis (a 6-day working week) using 6 motor vehicles including 3 loaders and a driver operator.
Seven hundred refuse containers are necessary to meet the needs of the whole city. In the city there are 20 domestically made containers, 35 reinforced trays and 9 platforms for refuse collection.
The special motor depot for city sanitation has the following special machines for refuse collection: 3 motor vehicles KO-413, an auto-dumper GAZ ? SAZ 3507 - 1 unit, ZIL MMZ-554 - 1 unit, 2 irrigating and washing machines, 3-wheel tractors.
The site of the city dump is on the Southeast side of the city, on the territory of Barpynskii aiyl okmotu of Suzakskii raion behind micro district ?Jehish?, the distance from the city is 17 km. The special motor depot for city sanitation is the responsible for the dump and maintains it..
Payment is made for removal of refuse by the motor depot. For 1 m3 ? 213.49 soms (way #1), self-removal 123.00 soms for each 1m3. The tariff for each person in an individual house 195.00 soms, in a multi-storey house ? 164.16 soms.
The tariffs were set up by the special motor depot for city sanitation, coordinated with the regional anti-monopoly committee and authorized by the mayor of city in 2002.
- It is necessary to purchase: tractor T-25 to clean sidewalks - 9 units, bulldozer S - 100 - 1 unit, autograder ? 1 unit, a truck crane ?Uliyznov? - 1 unit, excavator UMZ - 1 unit, special dust cart GAS - 53 - 5 units, special dust cart Kamaz - 2 units, grab loaders - 2 units, watering machine ZIL-130 - 2 units, snow-removing machine MAZ - 2 units, cesspoolage truck based on GAS - 53 - 2 units, tractor MTZ-80 with the trailer - 3 units
- Money is needed for spare parts for the special machines and for the purchase of lubricants.
The mayor?s office of Jalalabat city through the Agency for Passenger Transport supervises the public transport in the city. The Agency for Passenger Transport coordinates and controls the work of public transport, opens new routes, changes the existing routes, time-tables and approves them.
The tariff for transporting passengers is coordinated with the mayor?s office of the city and the regional anti-monopoly department.
The transport organizations and companies operating passenger transport:
JSC ?Manas?. There are 16 inter-city routes, 22 suburban routes and 2 city routes. Vehicles: Buses ? 15 units minibuses-122 units
LTD company ?Adilet and Co?. has 2 city routes, minibuses ? 40 units.
LTD company ?Al Tilektrans?. serves 1 city route. Minibuses ? 40 units
LTD company ?Meerimbantrans?. Serves 1 city route. Minibuses ? 34 units
LTD company ?Rubin MBM?. Serves 1 city route. Minibuses ?16 units
LTD company ?Maksattrans?. Serves 1 city route. Minibuses ? 16 units
LTD company ?Shumkartrans?. Serves 1 city route. Minibuses ? 40 units
LTD company ?Shahzodtrans?. Serves 1 city route. Minibuses ? 38 units
According to city GAI (motor licensing and inspection department) there are over 6000 motor vehicles within the territory of Jalalabat city.
Instability and high prices for lubricants and spare parts.
2. Low tariff and absence of spare parts, components and units.
3. Inability due to funds to update or modernize vehicles.
4. Creation of municipal transport agencies.
4.15. ROADS
City roads are arranged in a grid system, from West to East and from South to North except for the around the city road.
The streets Osmonova, Pushkin, Shermatova, Lenin, Barpy, Kurmanbek are continuation of roads which are supported by central government. Streets Lenina, Pushkin, Osmonova were rehabilitated at the expense of the credit KG-3410 of IDA of the World Bank.
Now the total length of the city roads is 415 km, of which 290 km or 70 % are asphalted.
The roads are maintained by the Department of housing and communal services at the mayor?s office. Because of the budget deficiency for 2004 no funds are stipulated for road maintenance.
75% of minor roads with asphalt covering in the city need major repairs.
All the gravel roads need asphalting.
For street illumination of the city it is necessary to install a further 230 street lamps.
For prevention of traffic accidents it is necessary to fill potholes in the roads in a timely fashion and to install additional 2 traffic lights and 95 traffic signs.
The authorization documentation for designing, reconstruction and construction of building projects is prepared by the department of architecture and town-planning of the mayor?s office of Jalalabat city.
The general plan for the prospective future development of the city is drawn up by the Kyrgyz Research Project Institute on Architecture and Town-Planning of the State committee of architecture and construction at the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. At present the 80% of the planning work is complete
The procedure of granting the rights to land plots and the procedure of receiving planning permission for construction, on the basis of the principles of legal zoning, are carried out according to the ?Model regulation on the order and conditions free-of-charge granting of rights to ownership or rent of land plots in settlements?, approved by Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, #57 of February 5, 2004.
Time and expenses incurred to receive authorization documents for construction, according to Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, #57 of February 5, 2004 are as follows:
- On capital construction - 30 days;
- On individual housing construction - 30-45 days;
- On profiling - 12 days;
- On capital construction under investment projects - 63 days, and in terms established by the above-stated Resolution.
Lack of funds for the total cost for developing the ?General plan of prospective future development of the city?.
Jalalabat City department on land management and registration of rights to real estate manages the registration of rights to real estate. The Department consists of two divisions: the land management division and division of registration of rights to real estate, and employs 12 people.
Within the territory of Jalalabat city, nature and environmental protection activity is carried out by the Jalalabat oblast environmental protection department.
The analysis of the environmental situation in Jalalabat city indicates that the ecological conditions in a number of territories remain unsatisfactory, and pollution of the environment is high.
In comparison with other natural resources, atmospheric air as measured by the degree and level of pollution has a strong influence on the pollution of the environment and the health of the people.
Pollution of atmospheric air of the city is mainly caused by the following enterprises: joint venture Kyrgyz Petroleum Company, open-ended JSC ?Kelechek?, joint Kyrgyz-Russian open-ended joint-stock company ?Dustlik?, site ?Kurulushmaterialy?, close-ended JSC ?Intershak?, limited liability company ?Jandos?, close-ended JSC ?Kyrgyzcotton?, joint venture ?Ak-Altyn?, MPO ?Heatsupply? and some others.
Today, for some reason, the contribution of static sources of pollution of the atmosphere has sharply reduced to about 70-75% of emissions. Therefore a higher proportion of contamination must be due to mobile sources. The quantity of various chemical compounds contained in emissions from vehicles accounts for more than 200 compounds and they include some very dangerous compounds which are detrimental to human health and the environment. Such chemical compounds are to lead, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons, aldehydes, carbon dioxide, sulphurous gas and soot. There are in addition some carcinogenic substances such as benzpyrene.
1. Lack of funds for sanitary clearing, gardening, dust and dirt removal;
2. Lack of irrigation water for plants during the summer in some of the micro districts of the city;
3. It is necessary to repair 3 wells for watering plantations and greenery.
4. For the gardens of the city streets, squares and parks, money is needed to purchase new plants.
Civil Defense of Jalalabat city has 10 offices ? communal and technical service, engineering service, service of power and a blackout, service of notification and communication, medical service, service of public order, fire-prevention service, material service, service of trade and food, motor transportation service.
The revenue part of the city budget is made on the basis of forecasts and takes into account the previous year?s results. From the results of the 12 months of 2003, the actual volume for industrial output was 85.3% of that planned, and the actual revenue was 88.1% of the city budget plan.
The main reasons for the actual short-fall compared to the forecast for 2003 was due to an overestimation in the plan, however work was done to improve performance.
Revenue part of the budget of Jalalabat city (thous. soms) |
Name | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 |
National taxes | Actual | Approved plan | Actual | Approved plan | Actual | Approved plan |
Income tax | 2,790.7 | 2,981.2 | 2,941.3 | 3,304.3 | 3,809.4 | 3,592.1 |
Profit tax | 739.0 | 677.0 | 1,956.5 | 3,886.9 | 1,528.3 | 2,806.3 |
Excise tax | 5,604.4 | 5,656.9 | 5,209.0 | 5,462.2 | 6,041.8 | 6,635.6 |
Total national taxes | 9,134.1 | 9,315.1 | 10,106.8 | 12,653.4 | 11,379.5 | 13,034.0 |
Local taxes | | | | | | |
Confiscation, fine | 27.7 | 20.8 | 181.9 | 23.5 | | |
Tax on retail sales and rendering services 4% | 8,688.7 | 15,657.0 | 11,789.9 | 14,667.0 | 13,497.7 | 14,670.0 |
Other local taxes | 525.0 | 443.0 | 410.2 | 457.1 | 493.9 | 497.0 |
Land tax from natural persons | 360.1 | 400.5 | 352.2 | 346.0 | 352.6 | 346.0 |
Land tax from legal entities | 1,112.8 | 3,526.6 | 2,542.0 | 3,088.9 | 3,536.2 | 3,285.0 |
Confiscation, fine | 207.1 | 152.0 | 26.3 | 768.0 | 585.8 | |
Dividends | | | 134.9 | 98.4 | 119.1 | 140.0 |
Patenting | | | 441.6 | 1,410.2 | 680.9 | 1,108.0 |
Common tax | 0.4 | | | | 1.6 | 18.7 |
Tax from owners of vehicles | 690.7 | 1,859.1 | 769.4 | 1,140.4 | 743.5 | 1,302.5 |
Property tax | | | | 2,521.8 | | 3,775.0 |
Tax from sale of agricultural engineering | | | 683.7 | 683.6 | 686.5 | 700.0 |
Total local taxes | 11,612.5 | 22,059.0 | 17,332.1 | 25,204.9 | 20,697.8 | 25,842.2 |
Total tax revenues | 20,746.6 | 31,374.1 | 27,438.9 | 37,858.3 | 32,077.3 | 38,876.2 |
State duty | 3,869.7 | 3,174.0 | 4,429.8 | 3,933.0 | 5,913.5 | 3,320.0 |
Other non-tax revenues | 404.6 | 319.5 | 35.8 | 368.0 | 410.9 | 390.0 |
Total non-tax revenues | 4,274.3 | 3,493.5 | 4,465.6 | 4,301.0 | 6,324.4 | 3,710.0 |
Special funds | 9,589.8 | 5,942.3 | 10,151.6 | 10,712.8 | 11,444.1 | 10,616.6 |
Total tax and non-tax revenues | 34,610.7 | 40,809.9 | 42,056.1 | 52,872.1 | 49,845.8 | 53,202.8 |
Grants and financial transfers | 25,365.6 | 24,062.0 | 37,931.0 | 24,867.0 | 37,819.4 | 28,093.5 |
Categorical grants | 22,262.1 | 24,062.0 | 24,831.1 | 24,625.0 | 24,187.5 | 27,556.1 |
Equalizing grants | | | 540.7 | 242.0 | 221.7 | 537.4 |
Funds transferred from the national budget | 3,103.5 | | 10,796.0 | | 12,024.5 | |
Funds to increase wages | | | 1,763.2 | | 1,385.7 | |
Payment of the adjustment debts on wages | | | | | 412.8 | |
From the reserve fund of the oblast administration | | | | | 10.0 | |
Attorney | | | | | 106.1 | |
Budget deficiency | | | | | 50.0 | |
Balance as of beginning of the year | | | | | 97.9 | |
Total revenues including grants | 59,976.3 | 64,871.9 | 79,987.1 | 77,739.1 | 88,342.0 | 81,296.3 |
Balance (revenues minus expenses) | | | | | 709.8 | |
Expenditure part of the budget of Jalalabat city (thous. soms) |
Name | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 |
| Actual | Approved plan | Actual | Approved plan | Actual | Approved plan |
State services | 5,898.8 | 3,697.0 | 4,696.9 | 4,769.3 | 5,342.9 | 4,013.6 |
Defense | 679.1 | 239.5 | 347.4 | 240.1 | 248.7 | 253.8 |
Public order | 352.0 | 317.0 | 409.0 | 389.9 | 484.5 | 440.0 |
Education | 29,186.3 | 29,551.3 | 39,712.2 | 39,560.8 | 47,688.7 | 42,958.7 |
Public health | 6,871.8 | 6,882.5 | 7,385.0 | | | |
Social security | 2,791.2 | 3,181.1 | 2,675.6 | 3,761.0 | 3,124.5 | 3,840.0 |
Housing and communal services | 3,661.5 | 2,830.2 | 8,024.2 | 3,213.8 | 8,724.6 | 4,400.7 |
Culture and sports | 754.4 | 418.2 | 1,064.0 | 528.4 | 850.2 | 638.0 |
Agriculture | 191 | | | | | |
Attorney | | | 21.1 | | 106.1 | |
Payment of credit | | | 773.6 | 1,111.6 | 150.0 | 1,355.2 |
Return of the budget loan | | | | | 900.0 | |
Funds transferred to the oblast budget | 9,590.2 | 17,755.1 | 14,878.1 | 24,164.2 | 20,012.0 | 23,396.3 |
Total expenses by economic sector | 59,976.3 | 64,871.9 | 79,987.1 | 77,739.1 | 87,632.2 | 81,296.3 |
Expenses by item | | | | | | |
Wages | 22,016.1 | 24,663.5 | 25,551.6 | 25,744.5 | 27,101.7 | 28,634.4 |
Payments to Social Fund | 6,364.6 | 6,926.7 | 6,377.8 | 6,416.0 | 6,632.7 | 7,158.4 |
Travel costs | 272.5 | 372.2 | 266.7 | 194.3 | 279.3 | 221.3 |
Purchase of materials and equipment | 371.5 | 505.1 | 790.2 | 462.5 | 389.4 | 721.1 |
Medicines and dressing materials | 563.5 | 680.4 | 407.7 | 20.0 | 8.3 | 0 |
Food | 6,567.3 | 4,054.7 | 7,024.9 | 8,604.9 | 7,685.0 | 8,568.7 |
Communal services | 3,869.5 | 2,274.0 | 10,648.5 | 2,946.7 | 10,877.9 | 3,034.6 |
Hire and maintenance of vehicles | 843.2 | 939.6 | 671.2 | 395.4 | 371.8 | 415.7 |
Other purchases and services | 8,142.6 | 4,224.4 | 10,319.9 | 6,065.5 | 9,933.0 | 5,023.2 |
Scholarship | 123.5 | 130.0 | 62.0 | 188.1 | 260.0 | 208.1 |
Other privileges | 501.6 | 987.2 | 786.8 | 925.0 | 937.0 | 1,267.0 |
Major repair | 750.2 | 1,359.0 | 1,428.1 | 1612 | 2,094.1 | 1,292.3 |
Repayment of credit | | | | | 150.0 | 1,355.2 |
Repayment of the budget loan | | | 773.6 | | 900.0 | |
Funds transferred to the oblast budget | 9,590.2 | 17,755.1 | 14,878.1 | 24,164.2 | 20,012.0 | 23,396.3 |
Total expenses by economic item | 59,976.3 | 64,871.9 | 79,987.1 | 77,739.1 | 87,632.2 | 81,296.3 |
# | Name | Put into operation | Extent | Note |
1 | Asphalted roads | 1965-85 | 195 km | |
2 | Pavements | 1965-85 | 72 km | |
3 | Channels | 1965-85 | 134 km | |
4 | Aryk networks | 1965-85 | 280 km | |
5 | Bridges | 1959-89 | 141 units | 26 units |
6 | Squares | | 4 | |
7 | Parks | | 3 | |
8 | Graveyards | 1935 | 29 ha | 7 |
9 | Street illumination | | 28 km | |
10 | Trees along the roads and pavements | | 51000 units. | |
11 | Wells 30 units | 1952-80 | | 52.0 th. m3. Watering of trees |
12 | Pumping stations | 1975 | | 10 units |
The balance of the municipal property of the mayor?s office includes 707 objects or assets (buildings, constructions, and communications) with the balance cost 441,173.598 thousand soms.
In the city there are 4 public - territorial councils (PTC): ?Dostuk?, ?Kurmanbek?, ?Sputnik?, ?Amir-Temur?. The following are the micro districts of the city: ?SMU-gorodok?, ?Sputnik?, ?Prigorodnyi?, ?Jenish?, ?Kurmanbek? and ?Dostuk?. Also the Tagaravskii aiyl okmotu is part of the city, and includes the following rural settlements: villages Jeenbekov, Kotur-Kaman, Chapkyndyk, Chon Kyzyl - Suu, Kyrgyzstan, Tosh-Kutchu, Too Kyzyl-Suu.
Twenty six NGO are registered including: in the area of consumer rights protection - 2, education and science - 2, charity- 5, help for children and invalids - 2, The Kyrgyz Society of blind and deaf - 1, veterans of the Second World War - 1, soldiers - Afghans - 1, youth-1, women-2, refugees-1, public health services-2, attraction of investments - 3, information consulting-2, the information -resource center-1.
There are 20 mosques, 1 Orthodox church in the city.
There are Russian, Uzbek and Tadjik national - cultural centers.
In city the newspaper ?Mezgil Unu? publishes in both Russian and Kyrgyz languages. Circulation is 800 copies and is published weekly. There is a city radio, broadcasting 3 times a week for 30 minutes. In addition, there are the regional newspapers ?Akyikat? and ?Fergana? and the departmental newspaper ?Dil?, which are regularly issued in the city. There are oblast television and radio companies, independent TV ?Echo of Manas?, ?Baktynur? and ?Nur?.