LOGIN “Local Government Information Network” provides useful and timely information on municipal management and social and economic development of territories.
Association of cities of the Kyrgyz Republic has been selected to be one of the national partners within Local Government Information Network, LOGIN in Kyrgyzstan, 2006.
to facilitate an access to timely and valuable information to people who develop, pass, implement and observe public policy of local self-government at the municipal, regional, and national level through the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the post Soviet Union
to offer a new way to get and share information for local government decision makers, citizens and their associations, interested organizations
to introduce local self-government officials with practical solutions to challenges in their daily work and examples of the best practices.
The Network’s founders are:
Council of Europe,
United States Agency for International Development (USAID),
World Bank,
Open Society Institute
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
What type of documents introduced into the LOGIN database?
Actual articles
Best practices of municipal management
Case studies
Training materials
Normative documents
Surveys and researches
What themes are covered in the LOGIN database?
Participation of citizens in the local level management
Economic partnership, attract capital investment
Methods and tools of management
Sustainable development
and many other
LOGIN – it is
a calendar of important events (conferences, workshops and trainings);
a legislation library of current importance;
an extensive library of researches, articles, reports;
regional news, and also references to many useful sites;
a list of themes can be extended according to your interests. Information in the database is classified into several categories: Internet, library, legislation, European integration, web dictionary and announcements. Documents in the library classified into 23 theme topics;
on-line Library currently holds 8020 full text documents in 33 local government policy categories in nine languages, which is increase regularly
According to this project only one organization can represent country in the LOGIN Network. Currently, LOGIN gathers 12 countries, basically Central and Eastern European countries and the former Soviet Union:
Albania -Institute for Habitat Development;
Armenia - Community Finance Officers' Association;
Bulgaria - Foundation for Local Government Reform;
Croatia -Institute of Local Authorities;
Hungary -Hungarian National Association of Local Authorities;
Kosovo -Association of Kosovo municipalities;
Kyrgyzstan - Association of municipalities of the Kyrgyz Republic;
Latvia - Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments;
Lithuania - Municipal Training Centre of the Kaunas Technical University;
Macedonia - Association of the Units of Local Self-Government;
Poland - Foundation in Support of Local Democracy;
Romania -Federation of Local Authorities;
Russia -Institute for Urban Economics;
Serbia and Montenegro - Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities;
Ukraine -Association of Ukrainian Cities.
Association of cities of KR is awarded with joint diploma of UN-Habitat and World Organization “United cities and Local Authorities”
International programme "Local Government Information Network LOGIN"